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Get educated...Get rich.” Al stopped and looked at us, both of us. He looked us up and down and through before he continued, “Boys, at some point everybody has to choose between getting somewhere makaveli unreleased mp3 and going somewhere.” He stared out to the left, to empty Texas, and he sighed, “Huh.” Well, that kid and I just sort of stood there and didn’t move at all until Al said, “Paco, get this kid some of that fancy lemonade.” So I makaveli unreleased mp3 got up makaveli unreleased mp3 and we went into the store. A small wind rattles the plastic numbers showing the gas prices. There’s not much of a fall in Texas; summer just sort of goes and leaves the wind and the rain. Why anyone would choose to live in this shithole, I don’t know. In the summer it’s too hot, and in the winter it’s too cold. All the same, I thought the jogger would stay. He came on time every day after the time Al spoke to him. For about two months, he ran in and out of here like a rich guy with his whore.