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However, human greed could also be seen to be weakness of a completely free market. I don't know why they can't see that. As Isaiah Berlin wrote in The Crooked Timber of Humanity (to the best of my recollection), "total liberty for the wolves is fastfission death to the lambs." Posted by: Terry at October 3, 2003 11:13 AM Capitalism, Comunism, Marxism or whatever. There is no single system that would run perfectly for all humans since we all are fastfission different and what each of us want from life is different. Therefore discussing which one is fastfission better is one of the dumbest thing i ever know. Capitalism:: you work 8 hours a day where 4-5 hours is for your country. Only difference between comunism and capitalism is, capitalism cheats you with lies and makes y ou beleive you are free and all taht shit, and comunism is out loud telling you "hey bitch if you do this i will fuck you up".