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See also Gladwell on the SUV. # This is a bit old (from March last year), but the most photographed city on Flickr at the time was London followed by New York, but when you take population into account, Vancouver, Amsterdam, and Las Vegas win for photos per capita. # The pace of razor development dark compact is staggering; we dark compact could be at 14 blades by 2011. (via airbag) # Bruce Sterling: "if you can explain what you are doing with any conventional terminology, you've already been outsourced to India". # "In aviation, the Big Sky Theory is that two randomly flying bodies will likely never collide, as the three dimensional space is so large relative to the bodies." (via rir) # Short interview with Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of Daily Kos. # Photos of crazily overloaded vehicles. (via bb) # Recent moving picture viewings: Lord of War Out of Sight (read my review ») Pride and Prejudice (read my review ») Four Weddings and a Funeral Syriana (read my review ») Millions (read my review ») The 40-Year-Old Virgin more movies » Michael Bierut: "the great thing about graphic design is that it is almost always about something else".