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Sometimes, I test that something else on the site too, but most times I just click X and save wishing that it was better somehow. That something else has proven time and time again, mca home video every day, to kick my ass. mca home video Kicks my ass so much, I have no choice but to procrastinate. Suddenly my entire life has become one big ugly Word document that mercilessly snacks (yesterday it was toe-smelling Fritos and baby Teddy Grahams called Cubs) and voraciously IMs (got mca home video quite a ridiculous buddy list going). Staring at this blinking cursor literally makes me want to stalk Rhonda, the life coach on Starting Over just to kick her in the shins as a way to expend energy doing anything but this writing shit. And only because I’m so miserable trying to get it just right, I, with my limited range in optimism, have decided that this must be a good thing.