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The songs are usually written one way and then right before we record them, they change. It's kind of weird research but that's how it usually goes. We have played songs live with vocals and all and then we go in the studio and then it is totally changed. We never said we were normal pretty fucked up if you ask me! How research often do you practice individually and as a band, and how important is musicianship to the band? We only practice once a week, but play shows on the weekend so we get research a lot of practice just playing. This has been the longest break from practice, but I have been playing everyday. I am practicing riffs for another band I will play bass for in the new year- WACO JESUS! If you have heard them, It will be fun I like them guys a lot they like to get drunk and Play brutal fucking music. Plus where can you go wrong with sing songs about bashing bitches! ahahahahah With modern metal it almost seems as if there’s a sort of pissing contest regarding which band has the most insanely inhuman musicianship, do you guys try and compete on this level as well?