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click for webcast. -mike 10.08.03 Hey hot mp3 2 pac sauce!, the f'in website has been updated for once, be on the look out for new pics. oh yea peep the netcast... thank ya! click for webcast. -JayChitty 09.17.03 Oh. our netcast seems to be so hardcore that it broke lolli is also down, mp3 2 pac must be 412dnb related. mp3 2 pac phear us. shit, at least friendster isnt down or else we'd have nothing to do on the pix and live bbt archives coming soon. dont ask me how soon cuz i wont tell you. click for webcast. -Mike 09.02.03 yeah i'm a slacker. gradschool does that to people. got some pix in the works. click for webcast. -Mike 07.02.03 lineups are updated. yay... click for webcast. -Mike 05.21.03 anniversary week 3 : faithindnb 4 deck mashup. click for webcast. -Mike 05.14.03 dsl + kaos + sine + ratana tonite. the place is packed right now.