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In Australia the government's ban on semi automatic weapons has drastically reduced the amount of gun related violence. Despite what your own media creates about Australia. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword, you carry a gun, you may be stabel but what about the pissed off psychotic fuck who lives next door, he blows yoru brains out when you are not looking. "I need my gun for protection, the king of maryland england may come back. maryland Or another good and honest american maryland my try and kill my ass" If there were no guns you wouldnt need them for protection. -- From: Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 22:10:54 EDT Subject: (no subject) To: u make me sick u twisted freak i hope u die and go hang out w the bombers of the world trade u give us whits a bad name u motherfucker asshole cocksucking coward motherfucker id like to c u go to new yord and pridefully talk to a black man like that face to face u mother fucking cock suck suck white piece of shti -- From: "Allison Beesley" <>