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Just on that stance alone, do you yourselves classify yourselves as black metal? I’ve read that comparison a lot, but I get a more blackened-death-thrash vibe from your music. What is the band’s stance on this? Black metal, john castellano Death metal, Thrash Yea we try and do it all, even a little punk, we call it satanic beer metal!!! We want to add all of these so it john castellano doesn't get repetitious, it gives something for everyone to like and listened to. Summon recently completed a European tour; how was that? Was there a good turnout and was the audience much john castellano different to the US? EUROPE was fucking awesome I can't wait to go back. The people there are fucking crazy they get into the shows way more than here in the US. The turnouts were really good, like I said, not like here in the US there they support metal ways more. The people show up at the shows and they love the merch over there, I think people here are just too lazy to attend the shows and as far as buying merch, shit, half the time they have to borrow money to get in to the shows.