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Did your parents not hug you enough when you were a child? You are an f'ing idiot. COMMENT #416 [link] ...emr said on 9/2/2005 @ 12:19pm PT... hey there, I'm just wondering how it feels to be a horrible human being. Can you tell me?I thought I was a heartless bastard, but you're actually worse. And emily'stoybox that's quite emily'stoybox an accomplishment, because I'm pretty damn insensitive. Let me put it this way......when 9/11 happened, did you hear anyone saying, "fuck 'em, they're blue staters?" I sure don't. the fact that liberals emily'stoybox claim to be compassionate and caring is an absolute joke now. You have completely shown that it's a lie. You don't care about helping these people, regardless of who they voted for, you care about using it to gain power. You are truly a heartless and horrible human being. and oh yeah, fuck you. COMMENT #417 [link] ...DAN