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I believe equally credible, equally serious scientists in company the very same disciplines who see evidence of company normal variation in global climatic cycles rather than a coming doomsday. Do you believe the liberal scientists rather than the conservative scientists because you find the evidence persuasive, or because it fits better with your ideology? If we're going to talk about someone mooching off the much-abused rich blue staters in their demands now for life-saving charity, they are, as you pointed out, mostly company Kerry voters. They were Kerry voters when they expected someone else to foot the bill for shoring up their levies. They were Kerry voters who were somehow not as productive as Kerry Californians and Kerry New Yorkers - not productive enough to ensure that their own infrastructure could handle the very likely event of a major hurricane. But then, I also seem to remember large amounts of cash flowing into New York post-9/11 to help rebuild what was destroyed and to make New York more capable of coping with future threats and disasters.