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Then, when you criticism are sober enough, catch a flight to France or Iraq to be with the rest of the folks who hate the United States. COMMENT #411 [link] ...Lawrence said on 9/2/2005 @ 10:57am criticism PT... Yes, of course... "Taken out of context." You can always fall back on that one. Your mentor, Hitler would not approve of your lack of balls and your back peddling. Your little friend, Joseph Canon said it and your blog supported it. People are smart enough to know bullshit when they smell it, Hitler! COMMENT #412 [link] ...Judy said on 9/2/2005 @ 11:10am PT... MarkH: Way to go taking a concept and twisting it into an extreme ideal. But that's what extremists do, isn't it?The whole concept of people taking responsibility for their own lives is far removed from the scenarios you present.I'm not going to explain the whole concept to you because you're obviously too stupid to understand.