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Lets "Git 'er done". Red, blue, black, yellow and pink - lets loose the invective, put aside our political nature for a while and support our citizens in need. There is plenty of criticism to go around, but i 2 pac dead now is not the time to loose focus on the problem. COMMENT #374 [link] ...TheBrain said on 9/2/2005 @ 5:08am PT... This blog proves that liberalism really is a mental disorder!! COMMENT #375 [link] ...Mike Wright said on 9/2/2005 @ 5:27am PT... Liberalism is indeed i 2 pac dead a mental disorder. You are totally crazy with the implications you bring up i 2 pac dead in this piece of crap blog of yours.You attitude is totally un-American. And no, I didn't vote for Bush - I am a Libertarian - and I find your attitude disgusting.I