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Might as will milk another national tragedy for every vote you can.This partisan crap is loathsome. Yesterday it was the thelast detail freepers complaining that black people were out stealing food and water to save their lives. Next week, thelast detail it will be Ann Coulter saying that the Hurricane should have hit NYC. COMMENT #378 [link] ...RedAndProud said on 9/2/2005 @ 6:20am PT... I have to laugh when I see the "red states are unproductive" meme.Sure, blue states thelast detail produce more; they have far more people and gov't revenues have always flowed out to rural areas. But red voters pay 80% of income taxes, while blue voters consume 80% of gov't aid.You should just be glad we red voters can't take our 80% of American taxes and form our own red-only nation, leaving you unproductive blue leeches to suffer in your poverty. COMMENT #379 [link] ...John said on 9/2/2005 @ 6:21am PT... Here is the crux of the matter:Are we AMERICANS or are you not?I don't care about your politics.