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There is a place for reasonable debate. This is not one of those times. You are a miserable cocksucker, Doug. You are an ignorant, hate-filled boil on humanity, and it's been a pleasure watching people like you get more and more marginalized and insane. You talk about red and blue states, you vile piece of shit? What's a blue state? 6 out of 10? So people who disagree with you ozzy osbourne politically deserve to DIE, right? And the CONSERVATIVES are the Nazis? If you really want ozzy osbourne to advance the cause of human evolution, then get a shovel and a ozzy osbourne pistol, dig a hole, and blow your miserable fucking brains out. COMMENT #358 [link] ...Bill Whittle said on 9/2/2005 @ 1:07am PT... PS That goes TRIPLE for you Gannon, you inspeakable sack of shit. I cannot believe such a thing could be written by Americans about Americans.