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Please join me in expressing the urgency.I understand they are now calling an emergency session for tonight. To discuss "appropriations". #9+!@0$%&(@*@!!!! They mp3 could drop billions of dollars down on those people mp3 right now, and it wouldn't save one life. They need WATER! Thanks again. Make those mp3 phones ring. ^_^ COMMENT #52 [link] ...superwoman said on 9/1/2005 @ 12:26pm PT... texaslady #28, Thank you so much for your kind words. You don't know how badly I am in need of them. And, yes, that feeling of being alone and isolated is so frightening!Most of all, thank you for telling me that my voice is needed. I appreciate that. I don't know if those not in my shoes can have any sense at all just how difficult it is to voice these things, unless there is really a willingness to hear.That