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late July, I called FEMA and spoke with public affairs officer Chad Kolton.I explained to Mr. 2 pac pics Kolton that it was improper for the agency to claim that NewsMax had fabricated this story.Mr. Kolton denied that there was any claim by FEMA that the NewsMax story was baseless, only that it was "factually inaccurate."He made that claim without 2 pac pics having read the NewsMax story, which he asked me to e-mail to him.As I pointed out 2 pac pics to Mr. Kolton, FEMA has put out a bid notice for the program to build the temporary cities (they call it "temporary disaster housing"). The bid is not only a matter of public record, it also is available on the federal government’s Web site. --- moreNow before you all go off on me about the questionable source of this story or whatever... Please read and (gulp) absorb the following PDF document prepared by the "Department of Homeland Security".
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