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p: 13th Jul 2005 - 02:55 GMT i see that muther fucker every weekend at fells when i go skate,he is a kool guy fuzzytank: so is there more than one guy?Steph: 25th Jul 2005 - 18:33 GMT parody CHEF(he looks like chef on southpark)!!!! thats my mother fucking homie! Hes always down fells.. if parody you want to take a picture of him then donate some money.. it doesnt parody hurt to give him your spare change. he will be famous hannah : 12th Aug 2005 - 22:19 GMT i saw him/a fake in venice beach about a week agoCardboard: 12th Aug 2005 - 23:55 GMT I saw something like this in Oregon August 11th, 2005 off the walker road 217 offramp.Some guy in card board armor had a sign like this, but it said "NINJAS KILLED MY FAMILY - NEED MONEY FOR BETTER ARMOR"Snipe: 20th Aug 2005 - 18:54 GMT DUDE I saw that same guy with the cardboard armor who said that.