Distribute. Repeat. Please. COMMENT danielle von zerneck assata shakur

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Distribute. Repeat. Please. COMMENT #37 [link] ...Charlie- New Orleans said on 9/1/2005 @ 7:39am PT... Hey Guys-I have been on the assata shakur brad blog since before the 2004 election and have also been a New Orleans resident since 2002. New Orleans is NOT Bush country!!! So i was a little insulted to hear the assata shakur remarks of this poster (glad it wasn't you brad), until I saw him rectify his position. I live in Metairie LA, which is 3 miles west of downtown new orleans. I am fairly confident that at least assata shakur the first floor was flooded of the duplex I was renting, if the house did not collapse from the wind. So I only lost hopefully half of my stuff. I will be out of work for 2 months, and am now typing on this blog over a 56K modem....sucks. So I think I earned the right to tell you why Bush has earned the title of Supreme Jackass to me over this catastrophe.
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