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32 R. Mildred Mar 5th, 2006 at 11:39 pm huh? helped them name and tagline by founding the first family planning clinics in black neighbourhoods, run by black people, and which name and tagline finally gave black people access to contraceptives. Something which saved god knows name and tagline how many black women’s lives and stopped others from having to live on the streets when they found themselves unable to afford yet another child. 33 spade Mar 5th, 2006 at 11:46 pm Magis, you and the left are full of it. The only reason you trott out the names of Jefferson and Churchill is to justify the racism on the left. Unless you are using them to rationalize YOUR racist, you have nothing good to say about them. I just love the name of this post, Abe the Racist. As if to say, Abe was a racist and he was a swell guy, so admiring Sanger is OK too. Cowardly.
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