Whatever, spade. Next thing 2 pac music video free mp3s

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Whatever, spade. Next thing you know, you’ll free mp3s be arguing lynching was “liberal” because most people who did it were Democrats. 24 spade Mar 5th, 2006 at 5:38 pm No I do not think I am barking up the wrong tree. It free mp3s seems to in your post you free mp3s are trying to validate the racsism of the left, because they were taking baby steps towards a “better tomorrow.” No one on the left gives anyone else that same latiitude. You know, how every persons that says “states rigths” is a bigot, or how every conservaitive is a bigot because of Nixons Southern Statergy. Why does Sanger get a pass, and the rigthwing racist of the past do not? Your attempt to in any way validate the actions and philosophy of Sanger makes you look like nothing more than a cheer-leading, Sean Hannity of the left. It seems to that you feel ickie because you agree with a lot psychos that you’re supposed to dislike. And this ickieness is challenging your attitude of moral superiority.
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