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What made eugenics “progressive” was the emphasis on rational, scientific reform as a solution to the “problem” of the declining quality of America’s population. It appealed to literary both left and right-leaning progressives. Lefties don’t have any special guilt (or innocence) on this one. Incidentally, early 20th century eugenics was as much about disability as about race. Carrie Buck of Buck v. Bell fame was white, and Holmes said she should be literary sterilized because “three generations of imbecils is enough.” To the extent that race literary mattered in her case, it had to do with the idea that the white race must be purified of inferior genes, not the idea that only white people should reproduce. 20 Sally Mar 5th, 2006 at 1:42 pm Ok, so I’ve read the Salon article, and I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on the bit about eugenics punishing women for failing to follow prevailing sexual ethics, Amanda.