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4 togolosh Mar 4th, 2006 at 6:44 pm Good post. unreleased tupac mp3 In essence the racism of the unreleased tupac mp3 left comes down to a view that the superior have a duty of humane stewardship of the inferior, while the racism of the right comes down to the view that the superior have the right to use the inferior for their own ends. 5 tigtog Mar 4th, 2006 at unreleased tupac mp3 6:45 pm I’ll just dip a tentative toe into a modern eugenics argument, and if you think it’s a thread hijacker please feel free to delete this post, Amanda. Every rape pregnancy should be aborted on eugenics grounds alone. We don’t know how much if any genetic component there is to the rapist mentality yet. But the possibility of a rapist gene makes it eugenically irresponsible to complete a rape pregnancy. There’s all sorts of other reasons a woman would choose not to complete a rape pregnancy of course, of a more personal nature.