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that brings me to my latest "nostalgic find," from some box my mom dug up under my old house: a computer print out of mine, complete with perforation marks around the edges (remember how you used to have to tear tupac shakur lyric printer sheets apart) from October 25, 1993. It appears to be a cover letter I wrote when I was 12 years old, exactly the time tupac shakur lyric I would have been in 7th grade.So for the first time in years, I will now type this long passage from paper tupac shakur lyric to computer...just like the old days.October 25, 1993Dear Elmer,I am looking forward to the time when I can become a geneticist. It is an intriguing employment that I would like to further pursue. It is a growing job area considering the extent to which the public is needing cures for diseases and needs for better products. My interest grew in this field because it has not been explored thoroughly, leaving many discoveries open to the innovative mind.