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(I'll be adding to this dermot mulroney list as ideas come up) Court jested @ 9:48 AM | permalink Wednesday, August 03, 2005 My Typing Award In 7th grade, I was awarded the coveted "Typing Award." That's right, I graduated summa cum laude from my 7th grade typing class. I know kids who would take back a million spitballs for what I achieved.Not coincidentally, this happened around the time that I became obsessed with typing. dermot mulroney I remember using an ancient word-processing program called Professional Write on our home computer to type stuff out. Problem was, there wasn't dermot mulroney really enough stuff for me to type. You know how when you're a kid, you would fantasize about having a bunch of files and receipts and documents and important paperwork and cash register type stuff to do? That was how I felt about typing. So I decided the best thing to do would be to start typing straight out of the encyclopedia. That would be pretty important.It was mad. I typed for hours on end until the keys clicked along rapidly with a steady, uninterrupted pace.