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A real homeless person is scott macdonald too hungry to be funny."maybe he's making enough money from handouts...K AND M: 14th Nov scott macdonald 2005 - 20:01 GMT He is still hanging out scott macdonald in the city as of last weekend. Seemed like a pretty nice guy. The first sign we read was about the drunken sex with the two women. It was too funny not to stop. I figured at least he was honest.anon (pool-162-84-150-239.ny5030.east.verizon.net): 5th Dec 2005 - 23:42 GMT I saw this guy today at the soup kitchen of the Hebrew Union College. I knew he looked familiar!!! He told me to spread the word. (And he has made other funny cardboard signs)Tuca: 15th Dec 2005 - 22:35 GMT Jesus te ama, por isso um mais um é dois suas bixas!!!Chris: 23rd Dec 2005 - 02:28 GMT Man i use to fly that same sign on Bourbon street in New Orleans Everynight... mine said Family killed by Ninjas need money for Kung Fu lessons..