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315U.S., at 573 . In its Holmes case, the Arkansas Supreme Court pronounced exactly the same standard: 'It is not sufficient that the language used gives offense to the person to whom or about whom it is addressed, but it must that which in its ordinary acceptation is calculated to give offense and to arouse to anger.' 135 Ark., at 189, 204 S.W., at 847. [ Footnote 3 ] My Brother gridlock Douglas asserts that the principle enunciated in Gooding and Lewis is gridlock not 'new.' gridlock It hardly needs stating, however, that the speech at issue in Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310U.S. 296 (1940), and in Terminiello v. Chicago, 337U.S. 1 (1949), and the manner and place of delivery, are not at all similar to the speech at issue in Chaplinsky, Gooding, and Lewis.