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Tfuck And I'd like you to pay particular attention to the final paragraph or two. 1.tfuck wrote: "...why do you post in threads that are not of your concern?" I gear don't think I do. 2. tfuck wrote: "I posted a comment in response to your comment of "I fucking hate you bastards." which was "Man, gear c'mon I had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man."" That wasn't me, it was Mr. Toe's comment. 2b. tfuck wrote: " have a problem with that, weed?" No, only that the comments had been about drafts but for Mr. gear Toe's interjection and I just wondered about the relevance of your remark given the progression of the thread... 3. tfuck wrote: "Are you the fucking "park ranger" now? Do you decide who posts in what threads? Are you in charge?" No, but at least try to be relevant sometimes.