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?? Prove they are me. artist You're going to have a hard time doing so, pinhead, given the fact that I don't know who is making up the phoney screen names AND NEITHER DO YOU. Personally, I couldn't give a shit who is doing it. So cram it, dipshit. Move on. TheFucksAtTheLeagueOffice 22nd Aug 2005 - 04:35 RE: A response for Mr. Tfuck PS, neither do you UNLESS you artist are doing it. Amphibious_Rodent 22nd Aug 2005 - 18:54 RE: A response for Mr. Tfuck nobody else here is lame enough to do this shit. artist I do Sir Spamalot only when some dipshit spams the board. Otherwise, I'm Amphibious_Rodent and I'm not even fucking clever or inspired enough to change my little picture. So, here's the inductive reasoning: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, shits like a duck, it's a fucking duck.