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'Rape's a part of war, though, stav!' I hear you cry, as I cup quivering-with-rage hand to shell-like ear. 'To the victor the spoils, and the orifices. The plunder, the glory! It's part of our common human heritage! It's tradition, damn it!' Well, sure. But butt-fucking kids list of literary works while their mothers look on? While videotaping it? I'm not sure that's really in line with the 'rape, loot and pillage' modus operandi so loved and respected throughout human history. Pushing the envelope a little, that. It may not be specifically list of literary works forbidden by the letter of Geneva Convention, for example, but I'm pretty sure it goes against the spirit of it. Which is why the Bush administration spent so much time and effort trying to ensure that their troops would not be bound by international law, of course. Because that's what the Americans were doing, it seems, at least until they got caught.