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What kind of name is Randolph Carter anyway? It's like so stupid. All the other guys have kewl names, but yours makes no sense. Whatever! -- name withheld by request. Whoever you are (a goofy girl I would presume), please die. I stand by my review of Duets as an F plus the ol' finger. This was one painfully bad piece of shit company film. If I can make it through the rest of the year without having to watch another film as bad as this, I'll die a happy man. Don't you worry your pretty little empty company head about where the name Randolph Carter comes from. Cool or not, rest assured I'll continue to take my job seriously, sniff out the crap flicks as early as possible and hopefully stop others from wasting their valuable time watching them. Yours truly, RC If you want to contribute to the wisdom of the ages. ChuckJerry.com : Haven for the stupid home : about me : my wedding : great stories : rants : deep thoughts : email me last update: 8/8/04 Rants by me the graduate hootie bashing michael jackson republicans Rants about me page updates mj replies defending chuckjerry Rants by other people mini rants not a pharmacist state of the net bad stuff people waitering sucks blaming society yankees