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This is essentially the band the way it was meant to be seen. When the finale of the show comes and “Under My Wheels” is played followed by the ozzy osbourne unfurling of a giant flag and the playing of the National ozzy osbourne Anthem, the audience has not only been a part of a singular night of music, they have also witnessed the usual array of baby stabbings, decapitations and faux corpse boning. Some variation of many of these acts are still a ozzy osbourne part of the current Cooper show to this day--for good reason too because it makes for an incredible visual experience. Any metal fan worth a pair of sequined Chuck Taylors should be able to name at least five bands who should have had to pay Alice a royalty for basically ripping off the famous Cooper shtick in an inferior manner during the eighties and early nineties. In light of the recent Kiss DVD review, I really feel the need to discuss the females that were in attendance at these shows.