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Sincerely, Jurassic Mark To the person who so irresponsibly calls himself Drunken Master, I read your review of thelast detail Demolition Man and it was a disgrace. You need to get involved in a 12 step program and clean up your potty mouth. Also please change your name to something more positive. If you are serious about change I have some Christian tapes you can borrow. --name withheld by request. To NWBR, Dearest Artfag, to whom thelast detail shall I direct my taunting.. NAME WITHHELD BY REQUEST......You sir are an imBecile, that's right an thelast detail ImBecile. You want 12 steps mother fucker, I got them 12 steps, it's called a twelve pack and I got plenty more from whence they came you piss ant sorry ass cock sucker. You think I have a fucking potty mouth for normal reviews, well wait till I get ahold of your sorry ass limp dick ankle grabbing young loving personal opinion of one other than yourself.