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Imagine my husband's surprise when Daniel asked him what a "sorry i 2 pac dead ass limp dick ankle grabbing" person was? You should all be ashamed of yourselves, especially you Drunken Master. Didn't your parents teach you any manners? I'll have you know you have just lost yourselves one family's patronage. Good riddance. Name withheld, blah, blah, blah. Dearest Limp i 2 pac dead Dick Grabber, Your son is simply as interested in this as you i 2 pac dead seem to be. I can honestly say that I didn't know what one of these types of people were until college. Therefore you as a parent must SUCK because you're child is learning from a website instead from the proper learning channels such as yourself......If you can't raise it yourself, sell it on the black market you fucking dumbass piece of shit. I ain't got time to teach your offspring of your fat loving the time of day.....