real audio rap, deathrow, makaveli script, drama, motherfucker, personal narrative non fiction, poems, rap music, riad galayini, branding, celebrities, by beth lapides, tom jarmusch, tyler sedustine, tupac unreleased mp3, mp3 tupac shakur, kevin dillon, literature, all eyez on me, jack straw., california,
for ira glass one your wouldnt say shit to my or any ther juggalos face about shit, you'd ira glass bow down like a bitch and jump on our every command because your a dumb bitch, and if by some chance you had a pair of balls and said something to us, you'd get your trendy bitch ass stomped, find a fuck mate bitch From: To: Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:57 PM Subject: ur 100 top bullshit list dude u got some issuses... please die. From: Serial Strangla To: Sent: Monday, January 26, ira glass 2004 10:04 PM Subject: Your "THE 100 MOST ANNOYING THINGS OF 2003" list. First off I would like to say that I have no intent of being rude or insulting in this email just that I would like to submit to you a few thoughts and questions and I sincerely hope that you take the time to read this.