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Posted by griff at 12:04 AM | comments (37) April 09, 2002 i'm a failure i have seen the commercial a hundred times but i can't decide if the chick popping it old skool to dirty vegas in the passenger seat of the mitsubishi eclipse is a hottie or a retard. another car commercial currently running has verified my fear that i am subnixus wordpress themes a failure. the new cadillac commercials are using the "been a long time since i subnixus wordpress themes rock and rolled" tune by zepplin. obviously their target market has changed. no longer the blue hairs, or cigar chomping salesmen. subnixus wordpress themes the cadillac target audience is now white males, 35 years old. the target audience is me. that is why i am a failure. there is no way i can afford this car, not even close. Posted by griff at 10:05 AM | comments (42) April 08, 2002 icons everywhere as a graphic designer i am fascinated by iconology.