real audio rap, deathrow, makaveli script, drama, motherfucker, personal narrative non fiction, poems, rap music, riad galayini, branding, celebrities, by beth lapides, tom jarmusch, tyler sedustine, tupac unreleased mp3, mp3 tupac shakur, kevin dillon, literature, all eyez on me, jack straw., california,
From: Stephen dutcher To: Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 7:38 PM Subject: parker posey wtf? Please Read This You Might Learn Somthing. Ok man what the fuck who are you or your comittie ( who ever made this list with you ) to tell millions of juggalos including me that we are lissing to one of the most annoying groups parker posey in the world. and if there so god damn annoying than why do they have the most divoted fans in the world? least juggalos are smart enugh to figure that one out. We are parker posey smart enugh to think out side the box of mtv and raido we are brave enugh to go against that shit unlike the rest of you sheep.