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So, yes, while we can't compete with Mother Nature on making life "interesting", we really shouldn't be fucking around with the climate to begin with.In other words... I moviedatabase don't care if shit falls from the sky all the time, don't piss in the food dish. JSplice Smack-Fu Master, in training Registered: September 22, 2004 Posts: 42 January 31, 2005 moviedatabase 12:10 quote:That you both reject the very notion of mankind-induced climate change is not that surprising, hailing as you do from the US, where, as I mentioned, the propensity of the media to give all sides moviedatabase of an issue, no matter how little evidence or credence some viewpoints actually have behind them, along with corporate funded FUD (which is what it really is) has presuaded you that it's all nonsense.