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firefox link (I already have that). Where's the link? I extremism have IE6 want IE7 [reply] by BlindIrishman on 3/03/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] - 1 digg This has been up for quite a while... [reply] extremism by felz on 3/03/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] - 2 diggs I couldn't find the IE7 link...just firefox link (I already have that). Where's the link? I have IE6 want IE7 ---- [reply] by shrewd on 3/03/06 [comment buried, show extremism commenthide comment] - 1 digg lollertosticle! [reply] by ianmacisaac on 3/03/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] - 1 digg Lambda it was a joke. Every one knows Firefox is better. [reply] by drbroccoli on 3/03/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] - 1 digg "Sorry If you want the best browser you should go to:"