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If you look at the official statistics, however, the number of discouraged workers tracks pretty hate well with the overall unemployment rate.Around here (Boston) we haven't seen much of ANY improvement in the employment hate situation over the last 2-3 years...So you claim. But the facts don't seem to back you up.Most hate "new/replacement" jobs have lower wage with 20-30% reductions...Wages do seem to be down in your area, but not nearly as much as you think. Perhaps you are only looking at a small subset of the jobs available?Perhaps there are some markets in the US that are doing fantastic...The rest of Massachusetts seems to be doing better after a slight drop in 2002....all of which translate to a work force that has a sharply-decreasing standard of life...Again, perhaps that is true in your immediate area, but the nation as a whole is not experiencing a lowered standard of living.