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The rising tide does not lift all boats anymore. Mouthpiece [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 5. Re: "The Rising Tide Lifts All Boats" by Disgruntled Engineer at Wed 31 Aug 8:07amscore of 2 interesting in reply to comment 1 That's a good point and one I was going to make in my comment but decided not to belabour the point. While there may appear to be some correlation between GDP and poverty, it does not mean there is a causal link. There are a number of scenerios that one could dream up in which GDP rises but poverty rises as well, instead of falls. Hurricaine Katrina is likely a good example. The reconstruction is going to be good for GDP numbers, the construction industry, etc. Sadly, it doesn't take into account the lost wealth since its only an additive measure.