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The hardest hit were the blue state folk living among the red state maniacs. New Orleans, we should note, went heavily for Kerry. And that's why we must help. Although branding consultants it was very tempting to say otherwise. But let us make one thing clear: We WILL politicize this issue. The Republicans did not shirk from making political use of 9/11, and we should not shirk from reminding the country that branding consultants Bush turned what should have been a mere problem into Ragnarok. Conservatives may accuse us of lacking taste if we use this sad occasion to point out branding consultants sadder facts of political life. Cable news pundits will try to pretend that now is not the time for partisan politics. If they say that, screw 'em. If the Bush-voters want Californians and New Yorkers and other blue staters to fork over dough, then they damn well had better take our words as well.