Re:Privacy Tax vs. Perceived michael griffiths (ii) girl power by hillary carlip

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Re:Privacy Tax vs. Perceived girl power by hillary carlip Savings by The_reformant (Score:1) girl power by hillary carlip Saturday August 06, @05:18PM Re:Privacy Tax vs. Perceived Savings by jmt9581 (Score:2) girl power by hillary carlip Tuesday August 09, @03:36PM Re:Privacy Tax vs. Perceived Savings by wasted time (Score:1) Friday August 12, @01:28AM Ask to use the store card. (Score:3, Informative) by cyclobotomy (681303) on Saturday August 06, @05:58PM (#13260469) ( Ask to use the store card. I have been doing this for years and have never been turned down by the register oprtator. Re:British Society Tracking Database (Score:1) by AnonDotOrg (902320) on Saturday August 06, @07:49AM (#13257472) What type of database is this running on?
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