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Yes, its understandable that you try and distance yourself from your own words. No, there's no contextual confusion here. As noted 2pac by other commenters here, whether you look at your individual 2pac lines by themselves or taken as a whole, your words and meaning attributed to them are completely unambiguous.....and awful.I think 2pac you should accept who you are - a very ignorant, hateful person - and deal with it. COMMENT #175 [link] ...Nana said on 9/1/2005 @ 4:29pm PT... Mr Jones #130 What you say is not true. Of the 7 counties that make up south Florida, 5 of them voted against bush. In my county it was almost 2 to 1 against bush. Florida is divided , even with so much election fraud. Thousands of new people move into south Florida every month, makes it hard to calculate how much fraud is necessary, I guess. COMMENT #176 [link] ...TheBrain