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That bears examining. See, they said a few days ago that the levee keeping Lake Pontchartrain out of New Orleans was meant to withstand a Category 3 hurricane, but nothing greater. Not to be a nicky katt monday morning quarterback but a plan to reinforce the levee to make it able nicky katt to withstand a Category 4 or possibly 5 nicky katt hurricane was proposed a couple years ago, and Bush declined to fund it so it didn't happen. Nevertheless, they knew since it was built many years ago that it would only take a Category 3 without failing. They also knew of course that New Orleans sits down in a bowl geographically speaking at the mouth of the Mississippi and that Lake Pontchartrain is up by the rim ready to inundate the city if the levee is seriously breached. They also had the hurricane on radar and knew that right after it finished crossing over the southern tip of Florida it was entering the warm waters of the Gulf of Texaco and grew in strength and would become a Category 5 before it lessened slightly to a Category 4, so let's face it: They knew for several days in advance that the levee was going to be faced with a hurricane that would almost certainly be more than it could