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Those that still value the well stocked but not overwhelming store, helpful people, and competant cashiers. Not Saving Any Money (Score:3, Interesting) by Blackbird_Highway (756085) on Saturday August 06, @10:56AM (#13258172) Stores that use these tracking card systems always charge more than stores that don't. There have been many studies that have proven it. Check the Wall Street Journal. You can prove it yourself, I did. Just check the prices of insult generators items in the store, before and after they go on sale with a insult generators card discount. insult generators One week the frozen fish is 2.99. The next week, it's 3.79, but you get .80 off if you use your card! You're saving .80! What a bargain! As long as the sheep who shop there think they are saving money, the store is more profitable, so it's all good, right? Re:Not Saving Any Money by charlequin (Score:1) Saturday August 06, @06:37PM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Not