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By driving me crazy? yes (Score:4, state university Funny) by state university t_allardyce (48447) on Saturday August 06, @09:04AM (#13257702) (Last Journal: Tuesday September 14, @08:18PM) Every time i go to Tesco, without fail, they ask me the same question "do you have a tesco clubcard?"! Do i have a fucking tesco club card? do i?? if i had a state university tesco club card would i be standing there holding out my money without it? would i actually forget to take it out? I know they are trained to do this, they have no choice and i know by the tone of their voice they are fucking fed up of saying it more than im fed up of hearing it, in fact i feel sorry for them - to have to say the same phrase 100's of times a day while listening to people saying it all around you must be hell. Theres hardly any other talking going on at the check-out, the only thing you hear is the total and do you have a mother fucking tesco club card.