by jane anderson, jtkiefer, big boss, music match, insults, i 2 pac alive, tony blair, brian casey (ii), makaveli mp3, listen music, bill hicks, anti racism, reviews and interptretation, unreleased, neo nazi, george w. bush, hip hop, all eyez on me, cole hauser, kerby, faculty staff,
You can never ship that many off into space, no matter how hard you sit and spin try. It's silly to consider because even if we could ship ourselves off the planet at a sit and spin rate high enough to balance the population increase by piling into ships that traveled the speed of light we would fill up every star and planet in the entire milky sit and spin way in about 2,000 years or so. And we think China's crowded. 1billion,2billion,4billion,8billion,16billion,32billion,64billion, 128billion,256billion,512billion,1024billion,2048billion,4096billion, 8192billion,16384billion,32768billion,65536billion,131072billion, 262144billion,524288billion,1048576billion,2097152billion, 4194304billion,8388608billion,16777216billion,33554432billion, 67108864billion,134217728billion.... God bless you, Dr. Kevorkian. (p.s. everything I just said I stole directly from people who are smarter than me.