by jane anderson, jtkiefer, big boss, music match, insults, i 2 pac alive, tony blair, brian casey (ii), makaveli mp3, listen music, bill hicks, anti racism, reviews and interptretation, unreleased, neo nazi, george w. bush, hip hop, all eyez on me, cole hauser, kerby, faculty staff,
They stay that way for quite some time. Eventually you wake them up and say it's time to go to work. They mumble and stay sleeping as long as they can. A week goes by, and you've had sex only half the times of the regular. You think something is getting fishy but finding a new woman seems institutional racism too complex. So much institutional racism has already been invested in this one. So much has already been involved so I'll just give her some time. Maybe she's just on her period. Maybe she's upset that she institutional racism might get pregnant. She'll come around, she'll go back to normal. A month goes by and you’re having less sex than ever. You're begging for sex and she's telling you how many other guys she can go home with at night. Why? Because they want to have sex with her. Sure, sure, you say, she can go home with them, but they just want to fuck her. You just want to fuck her. She wants to be fucked by somebody else, or be admired for sleeping on your couch. There's no middle ground.