vice president, tarot, timothy mcsweeney's, tooshort — ( somethin to ride to lyrics ), skins, satire, signs, kathleen miller, skinheads, name development, humorous, alcohol, administration, laz alonso, alli wanted was a coffee, usertalk:, films, lo ming, poetry, thuglife, sony pictures, 2 pac real audio, mp3 music, tupac amaru shakur,
I would not, however, wear sleeveless guis. Unfortunately, I spend all my money on Natural anti semitic incident Light, Rumpleminze, and frozen Jack’s pizzas. Help me. I think Jake and I would be very good friends. Jake, if you’re reading this, please IM me soon. I can move out there now, but early February would be best. Let me know. Finally, we have CarolAnne in Philly. I would never, ever do this. Hey Jason….Lets see if you have the brass balls anti semitic incident to try this one. Put this on the memo area of your next check: “Donation to Al Quida/Al Qaida” anti semitic incident (however the hell they spell it.) Let’s see Bush spy on your phone calls and emails. That should make good blog reading. No thanks. Not unless the Bush people want hours of videotaped footage of me masturbating on the bathroom floor and laying in bed eating Tostitos and a lot of phone conversations between Brian and I that go: Me: “Dude, did you clog the toilet in the middle of the night?”Brian: