alice poon, insulted, hilary gilford, jacob vargas, religion, milla jovovich, action / adventure, invented names, toasterovens, hbo home video, dave chappelle, putdowns, online music promotion, links, witch,
Which means you dont put no efford in it. peter dinklage Just act like reguarl dumb lazy american and come here act the same way trying to be intelligent. peter dinklage Shu8t the fuck up if you donno shit. you dujmb as mother fucker 8) Posted by: at December 15, 2003 04:45 PM Main Page Polls Do you think President Bush is doing better or worse during his second term as U.S. President? Do you think the U.S. should go to war with N. Korea? Do you think Bush will improve the economy and fix peter dinklage the situation in Iraq? Who will you vote for President in November 2004? Do you think Iraq was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the U.S.? Do you think Bush ignored 9/11 warnings? Should gay marriages be legalized? Do you think Bush has plans to go to war with more countries after Iraq? Will you vote for Larry Flynt for Governor of California? Will the U.S.